Monday, June 15, 2009

Curios incident Journal

Journal 1

From the first paragraph of the book I have learned that Christopher can be very logical and literal in the sense that he can not really feel emotions as much. Christopher is very good at math coming from that he knows so many prime numbers and that he mentioned he was very good at math.

Christopher seems to be very observant and that he sees things in places that other people don't and that if he goes to a place he has been he notices things that have changed with great detail and perspective. I feel that some people just miss these types of things and that they could look into a place more thoroughly than just walking through and seeing nothing but things that are blatant to the eye.

I think that people that have high functioning autism or aspergers are so literal and that is the reason that they cannot feel emotions. People with aspergers grow up having a very different life than people without like they have to go to a special school when available and they need to be supported a lot more.

Journal 2
The journey

Christopher faces a large journey in this book that sees him face great challenges and overcome some of the obstacles that people think that he has from being autistic. Some great challenges he must face include finding who killed wellington, and finding his mother when he finds out she is not dead.

Christopher finds out who killed wellington by talking to people that he doesn't know and people that he doesn't usually interact with. Christopher talks to Mrs Alexander who he has never talked to before and finds out that his mother was having an affair with Mr Shears even after his father said he couldn,t so he has partly developed that he can do many amazing things and overcome obstacles by not listening to what his father says.

When Christopher finds out that his mother did not die he thinks that it is all a lie and that someone is writing to him in her name so that he wil think that she is not dead and that he can go and see her. When Chrisopher hatches the plan to go to Londan he must conquer many obstacles including finding his way to Londan by himself and than getting off the train at the right time and finding his mother's new home with Mr Shears

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